10 Oct Hydrocarbon Prices and Subsidies in Bolivia 1986 – 2025
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- Tamaño del archivo 978.04 KB
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- Fecha de creación 10 de octubre de 2024
- Última actualización 10 de octubre de 2024
Hydrocarbon Prices and Subsidies in Bolivia 1986 - 2025
The following study identifies five periods with different price regimes (for main hydrocarbons): 1) 1986-1996, where these prices are part of the Government's fiscal policy to finance part of the structural adjustment policies after the inflationary period; 2) 19971999, when a new methodology for price determination based on three central components is implemented, international reference prices, transport, refining and sale margins and direct, indirect and consumption-specific taxes; 3) 2000-2003, period of privatization of refineries, transport and storage, where policies of stabilization of fuel prices took on greater relevance within the regulatory framework, an aspect that allowed to keep almost unchanged the final prices of gasoline and diesel, but with a considerable fiscal cost due to adjustment of the Special Tax on Hydrocarbons and their Derivatives (IEHD); 4) 2004-2005, where in 2004 a price band was determined for international reference price behavior; in this sense, international prices above USD/barrel 27.11 are not transferred to end consumers; and 5) 2005-2022, because in 2005 the last price adjustment was made (with the 2010 temporary increase exception) for gasoline, diesel oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which remained in force until 2022.
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